Events this week! It's a fabulous week we have ahead of us! International guest performances, workshop, masterclasses - regardless if you are the general public curious about what contemporary circus is today, or your a professional artists looking for inspiration we've got it all!
Performances for the public: (all are in Lund)
** Thursday 7th of Dec ** 18:00 Otroligt! Heligt! at Allhelgona Church 19:45 The Games We Play by Gandini Juggling + post show artist talk at Stenkrossen
** Friday 8th of December ** 15:00 Kroppen som åldras Circus By Me and Signe Veinholt work in progress showing at Stenkrossen
19:00 Skissernas Circus Night including the show Indigo by Finnish Lumo Company at Skissernas Museum ** Saturday 9th of December ** 19:00 Aerial Heights - luftakrobatisk afton at Lunds Stadsteater 21:00 Dark Mother by and with Lucy Hopkins at Mejeriet For all events including workshops and parties click the botton below!
