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NHLP Project Discussion: Circus infrastructure

As part of NHLP project we are creating a discussion programme together with the young leaders where we discuss topics from their handbook as well as topics they choose as particularly relevant.

Today Wednesday 24th February 15:00-16:15, you are all invited to join a discussion on the topic:

Circus infrastructure (with extra focus on practical strategies):

- How can we build up circus spaces and communities?

- What can we learn from those already having done magnificent work? Etc...

- How to make our visions reality?

- What are best practices to learn from, that we can share with each other? What mistakes can we avoid?


- Gildas Aleksa from Teatronas (Lt) will introduce how they built up the new circus space in Lithuania

- Gry and Rune from Dynamo (Dk) will share their top tips from Dynamo

Co-hosted and moderated by young emergent leaders from the program NHLP Emma Langmoen (co-host and moderator)

Džiugas Kunsmanas (co-host) Eyrún Ævarsdóttir Ævarsdóttir (co-host)

To join the zoom meeting(s), contact *** Next project discussions and topics:

- 3rd March 15:00-16:15 CET Agenda 2030 discussion

- 10th March 15:00-16:15 CET What are our wild dreams now? What's next for humanity with Love Kjellsson

- 17th March 15:00-16:15 CET Empathy discussion

- 24th March 15:00-16.15 CET Partnerships and Participation discussion

*** About NHLP New Horizons Leadership Programme (NHLP) is a Baltic Nordic Circus Network project led by Cirkus Syd in a partnership with organisations from 8 countries within the Baltic-Nordic and Baltic Sea Region. To support the growing contemporary circus scene this leadership project enables emerging professionals to develop their leadership capabilities. As producers, project managers, tour managers, or board members, the NHLP participants will emerge as stronger leaders in the field. Together with 14 partners and associate partners in 8 countries, BNCN collaborates to give emerging producers and cultural managers the opportunity to investigate and grow their own leadership capacities. Emerging professionals are hosted in a leading organisation in another country to work with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This cross-cultural and cross-regional model makes this programme a dynamic opportunity for growth and professional mentorship. Participating countries are Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Emerging leaders from Lithuania were also accepted to apply.


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