The last three years Manegen in Sweden has been the hosting organisation for Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN). Now we can announce that a new co-hosting partnership has been put in place between Riga Circus in Latvia and Cirkus Syd in Sweden who will together host the network from January 2020.
Lina B. Frank has been the network coordinator for BNCN from February 2017 and started Cirkus Syd together with Burak Sayin and Rebecca Tiger in 2018.
BNCN employs a model where the secretariat rotates every 3 years. From 2014-2016 CircusInfo Finland in Helsinki hosted the network, 2017-2019 Manegen in Stockholm Sweden. This is the first time a co-hosting partnership is put in place and creates space for deeper collaboration and ties across the Baltic Sea.