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In exactly one week we announce our spring programme for 2021!

We have plenty of exciting things for you, some of it you might have already been notified about - like our cirkus cinema and the continuation of our successfull project Circus Thinkers Platform - while other activities and details will be a pleasent surprise.

Here is a little more about what we're focusing on: During 2020 we held a modest seminar and workshop programme whilst trialling what could work at our new home at Stenkrossen Cultural Centre in Lund. For Spring 2021 we will bring back the EU Funding Mapping Seminar and convert it to digital by popular demand. We will host sessions about practically communicating about your project via interactive seminars on how to craft excellent project descriptions and pitches. And we will hear from inspiring researchers and professionals who've observed and/or observed cultural or societal change. We will be able to learn more about Agenda 2030 and how to integrate it into our organisations and we will dip into hearing about artists artsts processes.

It's already possible to registre for some of our events and get directly email notification as well. Please have a look at our activities page here:

Stay tuned!


© 2024 by Cirkus Syd

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