Tue, 09 Nov
Circus Network Coordinators' peer support social 4
Cirkus Syd together with BNCN and Cirqueon (CZ) are inviting all circus network coordinators to the fourth session of peer support.
Tid & Plats
09 Nov 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 CET
Om Evenemanget
In August 2020 we held an informal social to start-up the idea of a regular peer support social for professionals who manage networks internationally. 9 network coordinators from across the globe registered and we discussed how best this event should take place and what would be the purpose. Decision was made that 3 socials will be conveined per year and we will informally discuss topics and share best practise related to network management. As there already exists a network or networks, this peer social is for circus network managers and coordinators exclusively.
Since then two further sessions have been held in spring 2021 and we now welcome you to the final session of 2021.
If you manage a circus network and you like the idea of talking to other network coordinators about issues and triumphs, methods, tips and trouble shooting then come join us!
When you sign up you will get a confirmation email with the zoom link. 3 days prior to the event you will receive an automatic reminder. If you have not received the zoom link 1 hour before the event please email info@cirkussyd.com