The circus' sonic world is rich and varied, from subdued footfalls on sawdust to the roar of the crowd. So many elements that fill the arena: the flicks from the rope, leaves pulled from the knife thrower and exclamations from acrobats who shoot each other through the air. In addition to the cliché of the clown's fanfare, there is a rich tradition of music that helps to carry the artists and the audience's experience. The sound of the traditional circus is something most of us can imagine. But how does contemporary circus sound?
Cirkus Syd and the Circus Thinkers Platforms are launching a new project called Circosonic. The project explores circus as a sound dimension and as we are circus thinkers we start our exploration by thinking and discussing together. During this project we will conduct 8-10 public discussion and last Friday we held the first one titled "What does circus sound like?". 15 participants from 7 countries discussed layers and experiences of the sounds of circus. At the end of the discussion we plotted what could be the next topic for the public discussion on the 19th of November which we are about to release in the next few days. Come join us and sign up here!
This project is funded by Kulturbryggan.