Wed, 18 Oct
Cirkus Syd AGM 2023
The annual general meeting for members
Tid & Plats
18 Oct 2023, 17:30 – 18:50 CEST
Om Evenemanget
The annual general meeting (AGM) takes place once a year for members and board of Cirkus Syd. This is standard practice of Associations/NGOs in Sweden.
Anyone who holds an active membership is invited to join. It is not mandatory, though it is very welcome.
Members are invited to vote on any current issues and also bring topics for discussion to the table. Cirkus Syd invites ideas from members continuously throughout the year, although at this time it is an opportunity to be heard by the entire association and for the entire association to attend.
The agenda reads as follows:
Agenda of Annual General Meeting 2023 Agenda för årsmöte
§ 1. Meeting opens / Mötets öppnande § 2. Meeting Formalia / Mötesformalia 1. Election of Meeting Chair / Val av ordförande 2. Election of Meeting Secretary / Val av sekreterare 3. Election of Meeting Verifier / Val av justerare 4. The announcement of meeting in accordance with articles of association / Årsmötets godkännande av årsmötets stadgeenliga utlysande.
§ 3. Confirmation of agenda and any additions / Fastställande av dagordning och tillägg § 4. Confirmation of vote / Fastställande av röstlängd
§ 5. Directors presentation:
1. Organisation and projects / Verksamhet och Projekt
2. Finances & Auditor's report / Ekonomi & Revisors rapport
3. Questions from board / Frågor från styrelsen
4. Questions from members / Frågor från medlemmar
§ 6. Proposals / Motioner § 7. Elections of the board / Val av styrelse
A. Board members / Styrelseledamöter
B. One or two substitute board members / En eller två suppleanter
C. Signatories / Firmatecknare
D. The issue of discharge from liability / Beslutande om styrelsens ansvarsfrihet
§ 7. AOB / Övrigt
§ 8. Meeting adjourned / Mötet avslutas
The meeting is held in English.