Tue, 18 Aug
ARTiculate Strategic Meeting for Network members
A strategic network meeting on the thematic of circus education. Open to BNCN network members only and invited guests.
Tid & Plats
18 Aug 2020, 19:00 CEST – 25 Aug 2020, 14:00 CEST
Om Evenemanget
This is a first in a series of network meetings for the BNCN Pedagogy Group to develop a strategy for our work and collaborations on Baltic Nordic Circus Education. This meeting is for the Pedagogy Work Group, however any BNCN member is welcome to sign up to any session.
For the pedagogy work group:
Please sign up to as many sessions as you are able to attend. For those that are not available certain times we will work to complement and fill in the gaps of information with your information. For example if you can not attend the mapping session you will need to watch a video of the session retrospectively and fill in with your info so that our mapping is not missing countries or vital information.
More than one person per organisation is welcome however you should be clear on who is the lead for your organisation and make sure this person has prepared info to share.
- Exchange knowledge and experience on circus education
- Collectively create tools and methods to advance artistic thinking in circus education
- Collect and disseminate information/practises to/from the wider relevant community
This meeting is online on Zoom. All zoom links are in the schedule - see below.
Please note you need to come into zoom minimum 5 mins before every start of each session so we are not running late in the schedule.
The full schedule for the meeting can be found here:
Any questions email info@balticnordiccircus.com